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Card of 20 Shaft slickers Cleans and smooths shaft..
$83.05 $97.70
Classic looking Sneaky Pete Pool cueThe only way someone will be able to tell is if you are seen bri..
$94.50 $105.00
4 butts/ 8 shaftsTwo 16" zippered pouches on one sideVelcro side carrying handle Shoulder strapButts..
$142.20 $158.00
Size: 2 butts and 2 shaftsType: SoftShape: OvalMaterial: VinylColor / Design Des..
$83.70 $93.00
Size - 2 butts and 4 shaftsType - Hard, Soft, Box, Hybrid: SoftShape: FlatMaterial: ClothColor or De..
$228.60 $254.00
Action standard ball set - 2 1/4" Standard Size - 6 oz. weight - Polyresin formula - Two- piece cons..
$67.50 $75.00
Tip : Leather Tip 13mmFerrule : 1" Fiber linen ferruleShaft : 29" hard rock maple, 10..
13mm, 7 layered vacuum sealed proprietary boar skin tip 1" Fiber linen ferrule 29" hard ..
13mm, 7 layered vacuum sealed proprietary boar skin tip1" Fiber linen ferrule29" hard rock maple, 10..
AE custom cues Q cue. This is a VERY nice example of how Birdseye maple forearm, ivory, ebony and co..
Aluminum apron mitre Used in putting the apron togetherSet of 4..
$96.22 $113.20
Aluminum bridgeheadHeld onto bridge stick with setscrew on side..
$2.72 $3.20
Cue clampThis simple cue clamp is used to hold cue tip on while gluing onto the ferruleThis is a wel..
$2.13 $2.50
Metal tip shaper 4" tip shaper..
$13.01 $15.30
STILL in factory plastic!Cue of the month - April 2006 McDermott billiard pool cue stick Tip: 13..
$319.99 $349.00
Aramith Ball Cleaner8.4 oz bottle of Aramith Ball CleanerUsed to clean and polish used billiard ball..
$10.89 $13.61
Aramith Tournament balls are made with the 4th generation Duramith resinNext-gen TV colors developed..
$484.96 $606.19