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Shaft SpecificationsTip: 13mm Navigator Black Tip Ferrule: 1/2" Ivorene ferruleShaft: 29" G-Core technology, CT Technology, Triple layer designCollar: Black high impact plastic with a nickel silver ring insideButt Section SpecificationsJoint: Flat faced wood-to-wood, Stainless steel 3/8 x10 pinForearm: Birdseye maple with an organic European titanium gray stainWrap: Black Irish linen with grey specksSleeve: Maple with recon ebony and four Italian pearl oval inlays with double nickel silver rings sandwiching silver dotsButt Plate: Black composite with gold McDermott logoBumper: Black rubber with McDermott logo
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Shaft informationTip: 13mm, Tiger Everest tipFerrule: IvoreneShaft: 29 inch G-Core technology, CT Te..
$450.00 $500.00
McDermott G224 G-Series Pool Cue – Precision, Performance & Elegance Take your game to the next..
Tip: 13mm, Tiger Everest tip Ferrule: Ivorene Shaft: 29 inch G-Core technology, CT Technology, Tri..
$634.50 $705.00
Tip: 12.75mm, Medium Moori tipFerrule: Ivorene 3 Shaft: 29 inch McDermott I2 Inner Carbon Technology..
$1,102.50 $1,225.00
Tags: mcdermott, g214, pool, cue