FREE product info - for those cues that get a free product ! !

SOME cues are restricted from offering a free item, so a free product will not be offered on those. If none is shown on the page, no free item will be included.

Free case is usually a ACSC02 or similar
The cue cube is normally a real cue cube but might not be if we need to substitute but will be of same quality.

The tip tapper is normally a real Action tapper but might not be if we need to substitute but will be of same quality.

IF you do not select a free option at the time of checkout we will not provide it nor will it be at a later time. You need to select at the time of the order.

We reserve the right to stop this offer at any time and for any reason.

If you misunderstand and think you are getting a free item that is worth a significant  cost then that is on you as it is incorrect. The case isn't cheap junk, it is quality but retail price is below $17. Please read the "About us" on why we offer a free case. It is meant to prevent people from walking around without protecting their cue but we have expanded that to give the same value to everyone in case where people already have a pool cue case or wish to not receive that item.