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Aramith PREMIUM pool ball set1 High longevityThe PREMIUM resin with Vitrotech technology hardens and..
$200.19 $250.24
Tip and Ferrule: 12.5 mm proprietary tip with Ivorene-3 ferruleShaft: 28.5" Hard Rock Maple shaft wi..
$233.10 $259.00
Tip: 7 layered, vacuum sealed, 13mm proprietary boar skin tip Ferrule: 1 fiber ferrule Shaft: 29 i..
$170.10 $189.00
1 butt and 2 shaft suede and textured vinyl soft case Spacious pockets and shoulder strapPockets: 1..
$31.50 $35.00
Size - 4 butts and 8 shaftsType - Hard, Soft, Box, Hybrid: HardShape: OvalMaterial: VinylColor or De..
$179.10 $199.00
2 butt and 4 shaft tube style case Spacious pockets, carrying handles, and shoulder strap Shape an..
$99.90 $111.00