FAQ about pool cues

FAQ about pool cues - this is not to be the be all end all information page. It is supposed to be a quick answer to the most commonly asked questions.

What are the names for pool cues and why?
Billiard cue, Pool cue, and Cue stick are the most common.
Root of all boils down to "cue" comes from queue.
Billiard is more common outside of the USA, like the UK, and then Pool and stick are pretty much USA centric. Billiard is more commonly used as a type of game in the USA versus the name for a cue. In fact, most times in the USA we just say cue stick or pool cue. Mace predates both billiard cue and pool cue and actually was used differently.

What are common lengths for cues
Almost all are 29 inch shafts with a 29 inch butt for 58 inches total. Now of course there are variations... 57 inches are common and so are cues with 30 inch shafts making a total of 59 inches. Then of course kids cues, shorty cues, snooker cues, etc. make so there is not a one universal length. 

What is the most common weight of a pool cue:
19 ounce

What is the most common shaft diameter for a pool cue:

Is there a common tip used on pool cues:
Besides leather, from some sort of animal, not really. At one time you pretty much got what you got. NOW you can choose the softness from Super soft (also called ultra  soft or very soft) all the way up the phenolic tips that are very very hard. 

Is there a difference between woods and how the cue hits:
Yes and no. The shaft wood for sure will make a difference. If you take ash wood and maple there is a definite difference. BUT if you have different woods in the butt section not so much. The shaft wood then the type of joint has more to do with how it hits. If you have a metal joint it will have a different hit than a wood joint.

If you have other questions, please ask us! Once we get the question asked to become "frequent" we just might add the question and answer here!