Mezz has put out there that their dual force cue has taken the highest level of jump and break ability.
Tip: 13mm Trance tip
Ferrule: Sonic ferrule
Shaft: 29" Dual Force maple shaft
Joint: Mezz D2 joint
Pin: United joint pin
Rings: Silver ring at joint
Collar: Black collar
Forearm: High gloss black
Wrap: None
Sleeve: Black high gloss with set of silver rings encasing a pearlite collar
Plate: Black high gloss
Bumper: Mezz black rubber bumper
Weight Adjustable Yes- Mezz weight bolts

Trance Tip
Trance tips is a cotton fabric base phenolic laminate tip. It is very strong, tough, and has high impact strength.

Most cues are two-piece and come with both the shaft and butt section, even if the shaft isn't shown in the product image. A cue will only be sold as a butt only or as a shaft alone if it is explicitly stated in the product us for more images

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Mezz - Dual Force - No Wrap Pool Cue

  • Brand: Mezz
  • Product Code: ZZDFN
  • Availability:

    Back Ordered

  • $519.00
  • $519.00

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Tags: mezz, dual, force, wrap, pool, cue, zzdfn, mezz break and jump dual force, mezz break and jump dual force jump/break cue, mezz break and jump dual force break cue