Most cues are two piece cues and include shaft and butt section unless CLEARLY listed as
butt only or the product is a us for more images
Falcon FAL01 Ebony Points Sneaky Pete Pool Cue Stick A high quality high performance cue without a looking like it but will play like the fantastic cue it is - the Falcon FAL01 sneaky pete pool stick. Natural stained Birdseye Maple on the forearm features inlays of four ebony points and the wrap and sleeve incorporate dark rosewood. Coupled with a hardrock maple shaft and stainless steel joint this is a traditional hustler cue with a stiff solid hit. Best of all it offers great value at an affordable price. When you play with a Falcon cue you will understand why pool professional such as Jeannette Lee Karen Corr Nick Varner Shih Mei Liu and Jennifer Chen have used Falcon cues to win matches and titles.