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For those of you who wish the break with cue speed versus weight this just might be your cue!Tip: Phenolic Ferrule: Phenolic tip and ferrule combination Shaft: AAA grade Canadian hard rock maple, 29 inch (plus additional 2" for wood pin)with 13 inch pro taper and black collar on butt Joint: Wood-to-wood Pin: proprietary wood 5/16x3 pin (Pin is on bottom of the shaft and it screws into the butt section of the cue) Ring: None Collar:Black Forearm: Ebony stained Maple Wrap: Black Irish linen with white specks Sleeve: None Plate: Stainless Steel Bumper: Black rubber Weighs around 15 ounces
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When this says HEAVY it means heavy. The average pool cue weight is 19 ounces, the average cue peopl..
$179.10 $199.00
Built for breaking from the tip down to the larger than normal pin made from wood pinTip: Phenolic ..
$184.50 $205.00
Tip: 14 mm Phenolic tip Ferrule: Ivorene-3 fiber linen Shaft: AAA grade Canadian hard rock maple, ..
$111.60 $124.00
How can you not like the looks of this cue? This is one of the most sharp looking cues and not only ..
$323.10 $359.00
Tip: 10 layered, vacuum sealed, 13mm proprietary boar skin tip Ferrule: 1" Fiber ferrule Shaf..
$283.50 $315.00
Tip: 13mm 10 layered proprietary boar skin Ferrule: 1" Ivorene-3 fiber linen Shaft: 29 inch C..
$503.10 $559.00
FEATURESTip: 13.25mm phenolic tipFerrule: 1/2" Ivorene ferruleShaft: 29" hard rock ma..
$396.00 $440.00
Tags: elite, break, cue, light, pool, elbklgt